See How Anodyne Infrared Therapy Works For Others

anodyne infrared therapy

This is just a small sample of the many testimonials showing how Anodyne Infrared Therapy is truly changing people’s lives and reducing their neuropathic symptoms.

Anodyne Infrared Therapy has been a life – saver for me. My pain was so terrible that I actually wanted to die to escape it, to be relieved…My Anodyne was the best purchase ever”  H.M. (Joliet, IL)

“The combination of Anodyne Infrared Therapy and exercises prescribed by the PT folks has improved my balance – made standing and walking less uncomfortable – and has generally allowed me to go about my everyday activities with greater confidence and facility. W.R. (Williamsburg, VA)


“…Nothing has worked until Anodyne treatments. I can walk, I can even run…The best thing is no more pain! It is gone! I have new feet! What a blessing!” T.G. (Bremerton, WA)

“My husband James (last name edited for privacy) has suffered with diabetic neuropathy for over 20 years. His feet were cold and his pain almost crippling…After almost 2 years using the Anodyne Therapy, I can’t imagine how we’d get along without it” G.C. (Montgomery, TX)

“I went through chemo and radiation and ended up with neuropathy. I was in so much pain I could barely walk…Anodyne Infrared Therapy is amazing, before the therapy I had no life”  P.C. (Canton, OH)

“For the first time in the last 30 years I have no pain, the machine is the first therapy that has worked, I finally stopped taking my meds and I feel like I am back in my 20’s, you just don’t know what it feels like to have NO PAIN! ”   J.P. (Silverdale, WA)


For more information or a Free Consultation with Dr. Brian Gibson, DC to see if this therapy is right for you, please call us at 941-488-5553 and mention this article.  Also visit, Neuropathy Centers Of Florida.